According to MeMSQL, 61% of marketers say artificial intelligence is the most important aspect of their data strategy. And, according to Narrative Science, 80% of business and tech leaders say AI already boosts productivity.

It is not surprising that we see this happening. Artificial Intelligence is a boon for marketing in all possible ways. In this blog, we will discuss the top 11 AI marketing tools every marketing team should explore.

But before that, let us understand what AI-powered marketing is!

What is AI Powered Marketing?

AI-powered marketing uses artificial intelligence technology to make automated decisions based on historical and real-time data collected from multiple sources.

AI marketing tools analyze the changing behavior of customers and trends to make logical decisions.

AI-powered marketing tools do not require a data scientist to run them. They self-learn and adapt using its cognitive branch called Machine Learning, just about absolutely anything. In the same way, AI marketing tools self-learn the discipline of marketing by gathering inputs on how a campaign or its subset performs.

Now that you know what it is, here's how to include AI in marketing. 

How to Use AI in Marketing?

Here are the major ways AI in marketing can be helpful to a business looking to ace its marketing endeavors: 

  • Forecast customer demands 
  • Improve CRO 
  • Have a Deeper Understanding of Your Consumers
  • Enjoy Smart Bidding, Precise Targeting, and Contextual Creatives in Advertising Campaigns
  • Have a tangible record of people's sentiment towards you
  • Get data-driven assistance for your creative ideation

Let's now go to the top 10 AI marketing tools disrupting and revolutionizing the marketing vertical of business and see how AI can transform your business

Table of Contents

Top 10 AI Marketing Tools Every Marketing Team Should Explore Now


1. Market Muse 

Market Muse is an AI marketing tool exclusively designed to cater to the content part of a business's marketing endeavors. When it comes to content, having a subjective, opinion-based approach isn't the right way. Like every other time, leveraging data while creating a content strategy is vital as well. 

This AI marketing software helps you use the power of artificial intelligence to create a content strategy for your business! 

It helps you find the right keywords to target according to what you want to write on. Its AI capabilities also automatically suggest relevant and bankable blog topics. 

It scrawls through the web on millions of blogs and articles and gives you a score measuring how well you have covered a topic.

Using natural language processing, it also writes original long-form content for you! Market Muse's First Draft solution analyzes huge volumes of content available and reconstructs them to give you the piece of content designed to meet the desired KPIs.

Here's an image showing this tool in action: 

Functionality of Market Muse AI Marketing Tool

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  • Helps you repurpose existing content by scoring to ensure whether it aligns with your brand tone
  • Automates your editing process 
  • Integrates with 50+ tools and platforms, including Google Docs, Microsoft Word, WordPress, and most web browsers
  • Creates long-form content automatically to meet desired KPIs


Marketing Muse has four different plans at $79, $179, $499, and $1499. You can choose as per your business type and need. To know more about all the plans in detail, click here. 

2. Smartly 

This AI marketing software is an efficient digital advertising expert every business would want to have on its marketing team. It's a perfect example of Artificial Intelligence in advertising. Smartly is an AI-based tool to reach out to prospective customers in the most rewarding social media platform -- Facebook and Instagram

This smart tool uses Artificial Intelligence to run paid ads on the above-mentioned social media platforms.

A combo of media buying and marketing automation - Smartly is The AI enabled assistant needed for marketing and creative teams.

Its automation tools and templates scan through your product catalog or any similar collateral automatically to draw constructive themes for your ad campaign creatives with added real-time relevant offers, different copy variations, and dynamic pricing. Isn't this a perfect application of artificial intelligence in advertising?

Here's the AI-based tool in action AI marketing software in action

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Its predictive algorithms automatically optimize your target audience, creatives, budgets, and bidding to ensure the best conversion rate optimization. 

Smartly was #1 in Social Media Advertising on G2 and the Winner of the Creative Storyteller Awards at Cannes.


  • Helps you get thousands of ad variations 
  • Effectively allows you A/B test all ads 
  • Smart bidding 


Smartly is smart in more than one way. It has smart pricing as well.

Smartly calculates its fee based on your monthly ad spend. See the picture below to understand better. tool pricing

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3. Arimo 

Arimo is advanced AI-marketing software that helps you design and strategizes your campaigns beforehand. It's behavioral AI mechanism gives you insights on the consumer's next move, like what they are most likely to need and purchase. 

Leveraging Machine Learning in marketing, its software can take into account things like regional events, marketing activities, and even weather conditions that would directly impact sales and give you predictions based on it. 

This also helps managers to fix staffing and inventory issues at retail locations.


  • Uses behavioral AI to give Product Recommendations, Cross-Sells/Up-Sells, Predictive Maintenance, Yield Optimization, Demand Forecasting, Fraud, etc.
  • With its deep learning capabilities, reduce your data scientists' workload 
  • Gives definitive insights to increase conversion rates


You will have to schedule a demo to learn more about their pricing plans. 

4. Lumen5 

We all know our attention spans have reduced after the advent of social media. The shorter content you consume, the more your brain gets used to being attentive for short time frames. This can't be ignored while marketing a product or service. 

The marketing collateral that successfully captures people's attention and holds it for a longer time is the video! 

What will you choose? Read a blog on how to fix a flat tire or watch a video on it? You're most likely to watch a video. It's convenient and easy to understand and needs less attention. 

Lumen5 is a software that allows you to leverage the power of video in your marketing endeavors. That, too, without a video designing professional in place. 

Using the power of Artificial Intelligence, Lumen5 easily converts your written long-form or short-form block posts or articles into slideshow-based videos. 

All you have to do is insert the link of a blog article into this tool, and it will create a slideshow that you can edit and then create the final video.

Here's how easy it is:

making of slideshow-based videos using AI marketing tool Lumen5

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Its AI-powered technology can also help you storyboard your ideas, fit your content to a layout, and find music and visuals that enhance your marketing message. 


  • Automatic shortening of an existing blog to fit in videos
  • Library of millions of photos, video clips, and audio files 
  • Voiceover feature to record your own voice or get a professional expert, or automate it


This AI marketing tool has a free version. It's paid version includes the following plans $19, $49, and $159 per month. Enterprises can have custom pricing plans as well.

5. WordLift 

WordLift is Artificial Intelligence turned SEO expert that is fully data-driven and will give definite results. 

WordLift helps you write content the kind search engines would want. It suggests phrases and keywords,  it also helps you and enriches your website with images, links, and data visualization widgets.

It automatically suggests facts and information that provide readers with a profound reading experience. 

There's more, this AI marketing tool also recommends images and powerful data visualizations, such as maps and timelines, giving your readers a more immersive user experience. 


  • Helps you create content search engines want 
  • Automatically identifies topics in your article, using Wikipedia's classification system adding new entry points for your content based on topics, events, people, and places. 
  • WordLift automatically adds markup to your article, allowing search engines to properly index and display your content and intelligent agents such as Siri and Alexa to access it.


Pricing involves plans starting from 59 EUR/Month.

6. Phrasee 

Want your newsletter game strong? Have you tried fiddling with different subject lines but still aren't seeing the kind of open rates you desire? 

Newsletters are an excellent way to create an instantly warm one-to-one connection with your customers. Sending them regular emails with curated content helps you stay relevant in their minds. But only if they open it in the first place! 

Phrasee uses AI to create the most effective subject line for your email newsletters. Its AI-based Natural Language Generation System uses data-driven insights to create millions of original copies in line with your brand tone.

This AI marketing application is a perfect example of using Machine Learning in marketing. Its machine learning capabilities make these copies and subject line smarter by learning continuously from your customer reactions, i.e., your open rates.

Here it is in action: 

Functionality of Phrasee tool

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  • Quickly curate millions of natural copy variants that go in line with your brand tone
  • Tailored language models for every type of customer
  • Automatically learns what your audience responds to and recreates the prediction model accordingly


To know more about prices, book a demo from the website.

7. Albert AI 

Here's another potent AI marketing application. 

Have you ever dreamt of having artificial intelligence as a digital marketing professional all on its own? Albert AI literally makes this dream come true. It is indeed an AI-based digital marketer that can administer end-to-end digital marketing functions for your business.

This is all that this super-potent AI marketing application can do for you. 

Albert: AI powered marketing tool functionality

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  • Albert tests and learns using complex, multivariate calculations at machine pace and scale to meet your desired KPIs
  • Gives detailed reports on 20+ KPIs 
  • Manages your social, search, and programmatic accounts


Albert AI has varied Pricing plans. Contact them to know more. 

8. Chorus 

Chrous synchronizes your sales and marketing team! Sync between these two business silos is often overlooked. Chorus focuses on bridging the two major important silos of business and allows them to do it effectively and automatically. 

This AI marketing application listens and gathers to soft prospects and customers with sales and sales. It understands the patterns and figures about the needs and expectations of the people. After taking notes of these calls, it puts that info into the business's CRM tool. Creating a tangible and actionable library of customer insights and expectations.

This tool saves the time marketers spend interviewing salespeople together on sites to customize marketing campaigns.

Here's the AI software in action:

Functionality of Chorus Tool

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  • Allows you to process even emails
  • Pinpoint areas of improvement and measure progress over time to uplevel your team's performance
  • Discover which competitors come up most often when they come up, and why. 

Improvement Suggestions From AI marketing Tool

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Request a demo to know more about their product and pricing. 

9. Netbase 

Social listening is the window to the hearts of your customers. All your customers!

If you're building a business or brand online, the truest feedback you will ever receive on your products or services is not on feedback forms or from loyal customers but on social media! 

Keep an eye on social media, and you will get the rewards and praises you deserve and critical feedback from the people. This is what sentiment analysis is. It is done through software that recognizes positive and negative words and phrases associated with your brand and business and gives you a clear idea of how people perceive your business. Isn't this the most important metric to track? 

Netbase uses natural language processing and deep learning to carry out social listening. 

It provides marketers with real-time insights about how their customers' emotions or even others are running on their brand at a particular time. It analyzes millions of social media mentions, comments, tweets, and retweets in no time at all. 

This AI marketing tool should be a part of your tech stack if you want to take your social customer service a step ahead! 

Netbase tool functionality

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  • This AI-based social media marketers with many insights, such as audience behavior, emotions, and drivers.
  • The AI marketing software dwells deeper into gender, influencer, location-specific analysis, and language analysis to offer micro-level insights.
  • Tracks emerging issues in real-time to understand your exposure to risk before they damage your brand


Get a free demo from the website to know more about their product and pricing. 

10. Google AutoDraw 

This is the simplest, coolest, one of my favorites, and a very helpful tool.

As marketers like copies and captions, we need graphics here and there! It is always a challenge for marketers and designers to get hands-on royalty-free images. Not only do they require some fees, but it is also difficult to find the right kind of picture. 

Making images and graphics from scratch can be time-consuming, and it is also impractical to do it in real-time when an urgent need arises! 

So, when you have to deliver an instant marketing material that requires graphics, use Google's little experimentation with AI - AutoDraw. 

Simply make a rough sketch on the screen of the image that you want, and the image recognizing software of this tool will suggest you the doodles that fit closely to your sketch. These doodles are made and stored by graphic designers and design studios.

Isn't this an easy way to get original graphics made? 

Here's how it works: 

My sketch

AI created graphic

AI-created graphic 

AI created graphic

Here's the AI-created graphic after some colors: 

AI-created graphic after some colors


  • Easy to use 
  • No installation required
  • You can also get the doodles of a designer you like from the ones listed



11. provides an AI-based paraphrasing tool that helps marketers find better ways to enhance the quality and readability of their content. Through its advanced AI algorithms, it paraphrases your marketing content so that its actual intent is not affected.

It replaces specific words with their synonyms and changes the sentence structure to paraphrase text effectively. Marketers can also use this online tool to improve the quality and readability of their marketing content in a new and effective way.


  • Provides four AI-based paraphrasing modes to improve the quality of marketing content.
  • Rephrases sentences, paragraphs, and articles by changing synonyms and sentence structure.
  • Paraphrases the original content without affecting its meaning.
  • Available in different languages like English, Espanol, Dutch, and more.


The paraphrasing tool by is available in both free and paid versions. The premium plans for students start at $7 and a monthly plan for users is available at $20. However, it provides a yearly premium plan for users which starts at $12.5/month ($150 for a year).


From vital data-driven insights on a customer's next move, to how they feel about you, tailored product recommendations, smart bidding, and AI-driven chatbots, AI in marketing is already driving some of the biggest advances in overall customer experience.

I hope this article has helped you understand how Artificial Intelligence shapes marketing. What is AI-powered marketing? How to use AI in marketing? And, what are the tools that can help you leverage Artificial Intelligence in your marketing endeavors?